A DJ stands at a table in front of a large projection of psychedelic illustrations and the word TRANSMUTE

Have you ever been to the ASStral plane? You know, the place to dream, the place to grow, the place to suck your toes until you blow? It’s a place of exploration, transportation, transmutation. Your desires, your fantasies, your big sticky icky wishes can come to life. On the ASStral plane, gorgeous gorgeous girls get their gorgeous gorgeous wings before they fly away. glitch_bitch wants to take you there.

Remember, there’s no shame on the ASStral plane.



This inventive and recursive video project is the perfect thing for our new Late Night Showcase – artistic, sexy, and weird as hell. Join us in the Warehouse to party on the ASStral plane!


Sarah Turner is a new media and video artist who creates large scale immersive environments and performances through analog media and creative coding. She engages in ritual and contemporary mythologies to augment reality through performative psycho spiritual activations. Turner is the Co-Founder of Mobile Projection Unit, which creates site specific installations around the Pacific Northwest & New York through outdoor projection mapping. Her work has been shown at Portland Art Museum, Wieden + Kennedy, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art’s TBA Festival, Portland International Film Festival, Athens Digital Arts Festival, Northwest Film Center, Spaceness Festival, Marfa Open Festival, Laboratory Residency and more. Turner received an MFA at Alfred University in Electronic Integrated Art.


Sarah Turner will be performing their piece “Fantasy Download” as part of the Late Night Showcase event of our 2024 Festival of New Performance – June 22nd and 23rd, 10pm each night.