Bouton Volonté (Portland, OR): Planet Pink
modern dance/vogue/improv/queer art
In her Risk/Reward Festival debut, Bouton Volonté brings us Planet Pink, a playful dance piece delving into her own private imagination/thought-space; a visual diary entry from a black queer bald femme.
Planet Pink takes the audience on a real and personal journey of self-love and transness. Bouton, often perceived as a black man but identifying as a non-binary femme, challenges beauty standards by trying things that are typically only acceptable from cis women (think: flowy night gowns, bras & wigs, etc.).
Bouton says, “As a black queer person, sometimes making my unpopular thoughts public or a part of my art, not only empowers me personally, but it also challenges those who need it most and encourages others like me.”
Bouton Volonté teaches a local dance class called CUUNTEMOORARY (modern dance/vogue fusion) and belongs to vogue group House of Flora. A film student at Portland State University, Bouton performs very often in local drag and burlesque shows here and also in the Bay Area. You will also see her in variety shows and festivals, where she is able to dance more than one style and be more creatively expansive.