I’m speaking for everyone on our panel this year when I say we are very excited to be showing Olivia and Celeste Camfield’s new work for dance and film. The kinetic energy, deep roots, and transcendent UFO weirdness of the bits I’ve seen so far put this piece over the top in terms of my own personal anticipation.
Unwinding is a new multimedia performance from Mvskoke sisters Olivia and Celeste Camfield alongside collaborator Woodrow Hunt. Through movement as an offering, live music, and film, the performers explore the relations and abstractions between stories of the Alien, Mvskoke stories of beyond the stars, and themselves as family navigating space.
Olivia Camfield is a multimedia movement artist of the Muscogee Nation, born and raised in the Texas Hill Country. Their work finds connection of dance as body horror, tattooing as protection spells, and farming as Queer Indigenous Futurism. They have performed and choreographed dance for much of their career, their work includes themes of the Alien as kin, time traveling relatives, and Mvskoke lifeways in experimental forms.
Celeste Camfield is a mixed Muskogee artist living on the settled land of the Nʉmʉnʉʉ Sookobitʉ (Comanche), Ndé Kónitsąąíí Gokíyaa (Lipan Apache), Coahuiltecan, Tonkawa, and Jumanos peoples, currently known as Austin, TX. She works in the mediums of movement, film, and food.
Woodrow Hunt is an artist of Klamath, Modoc and Cherokee descent. His experimental work explores the functions and relationship between digital video and memory and the ways digital video can communicate issues related to the Native community.
Olivia Camfield will be performing their piece “UNWINDING” as part of the mainstage event of our 2024 Festival of New Performance – June 21st through 23rd, 7pm each night.

Olivia Camfield

Celeste Camfield