Shannon Stewart – Come. Get. To. This.
Shannon made Portland her home for a short time in 2011-12 while working with local dance group tEEth. We also got to see her own choreography at Conduit as part of their Sea/Port series during that time. Shannon is a rigorous artist, dedicated to her craft with incredible intensity and drive. She is a frequent collaborator with many other artists in Seattle and we’re happy to finally be able to work with her for this year’s Risk/Reward Festival!
Shannon Stewart (choreographer) is a dance artist with a proclivity for the enigmatic, dark, nuanced, delicate, comedic, architectural, durational and highly physical elements of dance. She veers towards the inherently unresolvable in an attempt to make performance that feels constructed but not heady; that peels away artifice.
Come.Get.To.This is an exploration of permeability in performing, viewing and participating. it is an ensemble that is embedded in a solo. It lacks production value and costumes. It was made while thinking about community, the economy, virtuosity, and moshing.